I’m pretty hype that the news is finally official! We’re developing a show called Philly Reign for USA Networks, which is executive produced by The Queen of Hip Hop Soul, 2x Oscar Nominee, Mary J. Blige. It's a story about my family – specifically my mother Thelma Wright and her reign as the Queen of Philly. The show will be based on her self-published memoir "With Eyes From Both Sides: Living My Life In & Out Of The Game".

First and foremost I want to thank God for this opportunity because my mother and I have been working so hard to get this accomplished. For us to reach this phase of the process is a major blessing. We will both serve as Co-Executive Producers on the series.
This really means a lot to me and is a tremendous opportunity. Growing up as an only child having such a special bond with my mother the way I do, it’s beyond fulfilling to have helped create this platform for her. My mother’s story is once in a lifetime and I’m excited that the world will be able to witness her amazing story.
When my mother first told me of her former life, I was blown away. Complete intrigue, amazement and marvel for what I was being told. It forced me to backtrack as well as reminisce on my already eventful childhood. I knew that my upbringing was rare and unique to say the least, but now as an adult I was given a firm understanding as to the root of why my childhood was the way it was. I can’t imagine having to hold something like that in for so long, it was a solid 15-20 years before she gave me any details about what really happened.
Back then; one of the only ways to get ahead was to be involved in the game. People were always hustling something, whether it was running numbers, boosting clothes, it just so happened both my parents were hustling drugs and were two of the best to ever do it. There were no middlemen or nickel and dime hustling; they were dealing strictly in weight. I shake my head sometimes because unbeknownst to me; I come from this Godfather-esque lineage. One of my main goals has simply been to carry the torch but in a legal way and that’s exactly what I am doing. My parents did everything in their power to provide and protect and I am forever grateful for their sacrifices.
My mother is beautiful, fearless, shrewd and powerful. A woman of principle, her word is her bond. In an arena dominated by men, she had a run that most could only fantasize about. Legacy is truly important to me – it’s sacred. So understanding that my mother Thelma Wright lived a life that will be immortalized is beyond admirable. I’m not here to glorify what she did, but understanding the principles behind her actions makes her story that much more compelling.
So in honor of our accomplishment, I was inspired to create a shirt for all the women out there that boss up and take care of theirs. There are women out here that have the determination and entrepreneurial spirit of Thelma; I just hope this shirt inspires women as well as men too to go out and channel their inner hustler.
My inspiration is based on our show, our city and our legacy.

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