I hope this message reaches you in good spirits! This has been a rough few weeks for many (if not all) of us as we’re getting adjusted in dealing with unprecedented times. As the days continue to go by, some things are becoming clearer while other things are becoming fuzzier. To be more specific, hopefully you’re starting to get more comfortable with being uncomfortable. Humbly speaking, God doesn’t make any mistakes, we’re dealing with this for a reason, but it’s going to be some time before it’s truly revealed what lessons we’re supposed to take-away. As I stated in my previous post, we must have faith over fear. These times will reveal your true character; you’re going to see what you’re really made of in this time. Hell, you’re going to see what everyone around you is made of as well. If you’re in fight-or-flight mode, I want to encourage you that you’re not alone in this. You have allies in your friends and family but you also possess the greatest secret weapon of all, G-O-D and guess what - He’s UNDEFEATED. If you feel broken or discouraged, I believe this is an opportunity for a rebirth, a spiritual awakening of sorts. It’s not going to be easy, it’s actually going to be very difficult at times but we must do our best to lean into God and give him ALL of our worries. I’ll keep it simple, have you ever had a situation in your life that left you temporarily hopeless with no idea how you were going to overcome the situation? If you answered yes, I’d then ask how you got out of that situation to see the other side? Your ego will tell you, “It was all me, I got myself out of the hole and back on my feet.” Although there’s truth in that, you didn’t do it alone. It only takes a mustard seed of faith to get through. We all know that faith without works is dead but I believe now more than ever we must really put this into practice. God never moves first, He doesn’t have to and quite frankly why would He? But best believe He guided you through every single step of the way. I encourage you to hold onto that triumph as a stark reminder; confidently knowing that God is and will always be with you in this season and through all seasons, all you have to do is call on him.
At this point I believe we have more mental distractions than we’ve ever had before. Social media can be a cesspool of misinformation and mental manipulation and with that comes outrage, sadness, and despair. But even with that, I sincerely hope that you are able to recognize that there are also beacons of hope, optimism and ingenuity. As a creative, this is an opportune time to buckle down and figure out ways to keep creating. Even if you don’t identify as a creative there’s still an opportunity come up with at least one solution for each one of your problems. I believe it comes down to blocking out the noise as best you can and taking one faithful step at a time.
Buckle up, I promise you we’re going to get through this, get comfortable being uncomfortable and enjoy the ride. Because as the as the old adage says, “this too shall pass.”
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